The American people are tired of attack politics and want candidates who will focus on important issues such as reducing taxes, putting families back to work and getting our economy moving again.
It is true that I have faced challenging times in this difficult economy, and I think that gives me a better perspective than some of the more privileged in our society.
But there are some myths out there, and it is important to dispel some of them..
Christine O’Donnell had to endure being falsely slandered and libeled by entities on both the left and establishment right, but most notably by the ultra-liberal, Soros financed, former Biden staffer run CREW (http://www.stopcrew.com/ & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR-bx_ppvrg) for being "criminal" despite the fact that Melanie Sloan knowingly and illegally filed a perjured affidavit that the complaint was solely based on. This resulted in not only a frivolous complaint to the Federal Election Commission, but also wasted $ix-figures+ of taxpayer monies with an FBI and U.S. Attorney investigation that ended up fully exonerating Christine... ten months after the media storm of “presumed guilty until proven innocent” had occurred.
Please read more about her side of the story below and from her book that can be ordered from http://www.TroublemakerBook.com/ , which has a virtual index at www.TroublemakerBook.com/ChapterNotes. Thank you for your time and consideration!
Rich Abbott, Esq. & former New Castle County Councilman with Chris Coons, Nov.10, 2010
...Then after Castle lost in mid-September, he engaged in a 6-week public fit of selfish behavior which the liberal News Journal played up to help paint the Republican U.S. Senate nominee as extreme, all the while failing to mention that Chris Coons was a “Traditional Tax & Spend Liberal” who would vote 100% with Obama. So rather than focusing on the issues of the day, the race was transformed by Castle and The News Journal into a superficial personality profile comparison, enabling left-wing Coons to escape substantive voter scrutiny and thereby waltz into office a la Obama circa 2008…
BEFORE the DE GOP Primary, Cornyn told a Congressional Quarterly reporter that Democrats would keep control of the Senate through 2012, when Democrats have to defend a lot more seats than the GOP.
…Yet, Cornyn told CQ he doesn’t think Republicans will win enough seats to give them a majority - and the ability to stop President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion agenda - until the 2012 presidential elections…
…Instead of pouting, Republican leaders in Delaware and around the country need to unite around the nominee, who was chosen by the Republicans in Delaware. Had Castle won the nomination, they would have demanded unity themselves, and rightly so. If they want to continue to issue snarky, anonymous asides and in essence take their ball and go home, don’t expect the electorate to follow them into battle in the future. Rarely have I seen such childishness from the supposed leaders of a political establishment, who set the very rules and customs they now want to ignore because they just got embarrassed on a national stage.
Grow up, shut up, and get to work.
It ALL came down to voter enrollment, which is the Political Science as to WHY with O'Donnell-Coons OR Castle-Coons splitting the CNN election day polling, all because the liberal GOP leadership under removed DE-GOP Chairman Tom Ross, ousted four decade RNC Committeewoman Priscilla Rakestraw, and retired Rep. Mike Castle incompetently destroyed the competitive advantage that Delaware Republicans had during the Gov. Pete du Pont & Sen. Bill Roth leadership prior to 1995! Remember, Rubio did not get over 50% in his 3-way win in FL, and it may have been a far different race if self-funding, fiscally conservative Greene had beaten liberal Meeks in the FL Dem.Primary and there was no Crist in the mix.
The establishment's argument against Christine is flawed because it doesn't qualify the exit polling FACTS by CNN and others that Castle wouldn't have won either and the DE-Dems have a vastly superior enrollment which has GROWN exponentially (now a 100,000+ advantage in the last decade) mostly in New Castle County (Delaware only has two other counties - Kent & Sussex)!
*Rasmussen Polls: According to Rasmussen in July of 2010, O'Donnell had officially debunked the myth that she cannot win in November, as this was done prior to the unprecedented and shameless assault by the Castle campaign and the DE GOP in her wide-margin primary win. This coincides well with a September 30, 2009 Rasmussen Poll which had Christine with a 2-1 advantage with Independents against then assumed nominee Beau Biden.
Christine O’Donnell (R) |
Chris Coons (D) |
Some Other Candidate |
Not Sure |
July 12, 2010 |
41% |
39% |
7% |
12% |
Even the NRSC resorted to Thug Politics before the primary, as Neil King, Jr. of the Wall Steet Journal reported (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2010/09/03/delawares-odonnell-stop-thug-politics/ - "The National Republican Senatorial Committee is also piling on, briefing reporters on negative aspects of O’Donnell’s record.") to salvage their sinking ship.
• According to CNN on election night November 2, 2010: “despite pre-election polls that showed longtime Republican Rep. Mike Castle handily beating Coons in a hypothetical match-up, the voters who turned out today said they would still have sent Coons to Washington over Castle, backing him 44-43 percent.”
• O’Donnell would have won the election over Democrat Chris Coons had the votes been cast on July 12, 2010. Before GOP insiders launched the most vicious attacks, O’Donnell was leading over Democrat Chris Coons by 41% to 39% in a Rasmussen opinion survey.
• Exit polls reveal: only 81% of Republicans voting supported the GOP nominee. Thus, Republican refusal to unite behind the party’s choice was a major factor in the election.
• Exit polls reveal that O’Donnell and Coons split the Independent-Other vote.
Obama Calls Mike Castle After GOP Primary Loss, Says Senior Administration Official
LIZ SIDOTI | 09/17/10 12:40 PM | AP
A senior administration official says Obama thanked Castle for his service during nine terms in the House. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.
Castle was the choice of the GOP establishment for the U.S. Senate seat once held by Vice President Joe Biden. He lost this week to tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell. Many analysts believe that gives Democrat Chris Coons a much better shot at winning the Nov. 2 election.
Biden was traveling to Delaware Friday afternoon to join Coons in rallying volunteers.
Hmmm: What did Mike Castle talk about with Obama and Biden last night?
By Michelle Malkin • September 15, 2010 11:37 PM
It’s been 24 hours since Delaware GOP Senate primary winner Christine O’Donnell dethroned nine-term Soros Republican incumbent Mike Castle. As of tonight, he still hadn’t placed an obligatory call to congratulate her — and his e-mail to supporters doesn’t mention her at all, according to the Delaware News Journal.
Even more intriguingly, the paper tweets that Castle’s lines of communication worked quite smoothly when he took calls from…President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden last night:
Does this White House see Castle as their newly adopted “pet?”
Leave your best guesses about their conversations.
Even the New York Times Frank Rich on the Left & CNN's Erick Erickson on the Right agree that O'Donnell's candidacy took the brunt of the media's focus away from other races, and allowed the GOP to pick-up seats where other candidates may have withered under more glaring focus.
On the Battle Between Midgets vs. Tigers
Posted by Erick Erickson - Tuesday, October 12th
“When the book is written on Election 2010, the media will mock the O’Donnell candidacy, but whether she wins or loses she will be a hero in my book.”
In the battle between midgets versus tigers, the midgets can win. But a few of the midgets must sacrifice themselves to distract the tigers.
First of all, yes, yes I know it should be midgets versus lions, but that is an internet hoax, this is very real, and I’m an LSU fan.
This is precisely what is happening in the battle between the tea party and the establishment. The establishment controls the major party machines, the media, the fundraising tools, etc. The tea party is not in a fight against the Democrats or Republicans, but the establishment, which has grown out of touch with the people and is destroying the country. Democrat and Republican alike, the leadership of each is terrible and given voice by a media that is largely incapable of relating to the concerns of a group labeled fringe yet driving the election.
The tea partiers are the midgets. The establishment politicians and media are the tigers.
In Delaware, Christine O’Donnell is the midget sacrificing herself to the tiger of the mainstream media and establishment.
The odds are stacked against Christine O’Donnell. Thanks to the industriousness of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Senate GOP Leadership, the Delaware GOP Leadership, and the assorted pundits, journalists, and other talking heads on TV and in print, Christine O’Donnell is really taking one for the team and will likely not make it past the tigers.
But because of Christine O’Donnell’s willing sacrifice, the tigers are distracted. With only about twenty-two days left, the tigers are just now trying to refocus on Sharron Angle, Ken Buck, Mike Lee, Joe Miller, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, and Ron Johnson. Meanwhile, for the past five weeks or so, these candidates have built up leads or drawn even with their opponents.
While the tigers have been taking out Christine O’Donnell, these candidates have surrounded the tigers and are preparing to slay the beasts.
Shame on all those who do that. When the book is written on Election 2010, the media will mock the O’Donnell candidacy, but whether she wins or loses she will be a hero in my book. But for her, neither Sharron Angle nor Ken Buck nor Mike Lee nor Joe Miller nor Marco Rubio nor Rand Paul nor Pat Toomey nor Ron Johnson would have had as strong a chance of winning in this last month before the general election.
Christine O’Donnell, willingly or not, has stood firm in the face of the media and establishment onslaught and distracted them all. And only now, with twenty-two days left, are the media and establishment turning, in terror, to realize how close the midgets are to slaying the tigers.
Do not insult or belittle Christine O’Donnell here at RedState. Because of her, even if she cannot win, she has distracted the tigers long enough so that others can win. She is owed our thanks.
By FRANK RICH - October 2, 2010
Yet those laughing now may not have the last laugh in November. O’Donnell’s timely ascent in the election season’s final lap may well prove a godsend for the G.O.P.
O’Donnell is particularly needed now because most of the other Republican Tea Party standard-bearers lack genuine antigovernment or proletarian cred. O’Donnell, like Palin, knows that attacks by those elites, including conservative grandees, only backfire and enhance her image as a feisty defender of the aggrieved and resentful Joe Plumbers in “real America.”
The more O’Donnell is vilified, the bigger the star she becomes, and the more she can reinforce the Tea Party’s preferred narrative as “a spontaneous and quite anarchic movement” (in the recent words of the pundit Charles Krauthammer) populated only by everyday folk upset by big government and the deficit...
GOP election complaint against Christine O'Donnell still alive
By Shane D'Aprile - TheHill.com - 09/21/10
The Delaware Republican Party filed a Federal Elections Commission complaint against Christine O'Donnell during the Senate primary -- and now they can't take it back.
The compliant was filed less than a week before the primary and, after O'Donnell surprise win against party-backed candidate Mike Castle (R), the state GOP is now technically pursuing an alleged violation of federal election law against its own Senate nominee.
Delaware GOP Chairman Tom Ross, a leading O'Donnell critic during the primary, may have called for his party to unify, but the election complaint filed by the party alleging illegal coordination between O'Donnell and the Tea Party Express is still very much alive.
The complaint alleges that O'Donnell and the Tea Party Express engaged in coordinated communications in violation of federal election law and that the campaign accepted excessive contributions from the group.
Ross was unable to be reached for comment Monday, but a spokesman for the Delaware GOP admitted there was not much the party could do given that the complaint has already been filed and formally delivered to the O'Donnell campaign.
The O'Donnell camp received the complaint over the weekend, which means it has 15 days to file a written response to the charges with the FEC.
The complaint was filed on behalf of the Delaware GOP by former FEC Chairman Michael Toner. Election lawyer Cleta Mitchell is representing the O'Donnell campaign in the matter.
Russ Murphy of the 9/12 Delaware Patriots, taking hold of the podium mike to tell O'Donnell's election night crowd about Karl Rove's request for a private meeting in December 2009 with all the tea party groups who were supporting O'Donnell.
"He [Rove] tried to convince us how we needed to get behind the party. And how we needed to get behind a candidate that was electable. He said what I really want to tell you folks is how to work with a candidate and get things done.
And I said, "Sir, with all due respect, no one is going to tell us how to take care of business."
[of which she was later FULLY EXHONERATED, www.StopCREW.com]
News Release
WILMINGTON, DELAWARE (November 22, 2010) -- Recently released voter registration statistics have now largely answered a lively debate within Delaware's Republican party about the reasons for Republican losses on November 2, 2010.
Mike Castle would likely have lost the 2010 election if chosen as the GOP nominee for U.S. Senate. Meanwhile, Republican candidates for all offices in Delaware faced a fundamentally more hostile electorate in 2010 than ever existed in past years.
Democrats added 29,650 voters -- a staggering 11% increase -- from 2008 to 2010 in a highly-aggressive voter registration drive by the Democrat Party of Delaware.
2010 election results for all Delaware offices may be largely explained by the failures of the Delaware and national Republican party to engage in party-building and voter registration, compared to an aggressive and effective party-building operation by Democrats.
Known as "the First State" for ratifying the US Constitution first, Delaware is nevertheless a lightly-populated, mostly agricultural oasis. Only 305,716 votes were cast for US Senate in Delaware. Therefore, the 29,650 increase in Democrat voter registration represents almost 10% of all votes cast for US Senate. It may be assumed that newly-registered voters are likely to vote.
Total registered Democrat voters in 2008 were only 264,167 voters for the entire State of Delaware. Democrats managed to increase total Democrat registered voters by 29,650 -- an astonishing 11% increase -- to 293,817 Democrat voters registered for the 2010 elections.
Increases in Democrat voter registrations did NOT come (on net) from Republicans switching parties. The Democrat Party aggressively registered new, first-time voters.
During the same period from 2008 to 2010, Republican registered voters increased by 4,153, and "Others" increased by 10,516. Therefore, the Democrats 29,650 voter increase does not represent (on net) Republicans switching to Democrats, but represents entirely new voters who had not previously voted in Delaware elections.
By comparison, Democrats showed a similar successful drive in prior years. Democrats increased registration from 2007 to 2008 by 14,451, while Republican increased registration from 2007 to 2008 by only 1,389, and "Others" increased by 1,286 voters.
Meanwhile, weaknesses in the Republican party's core operations at the national level were just exposed by a controversial resignation letter by the Political Director of the Republican National Committee. Gentry Collins described a disastrously inadequate effort of party-building and fund-raising at the Republican National Committee.
MYTH: Did not get college diploma
MYTH: Not a Delaware resident
MYTH: Lost home in foreclosure
You can view the document here.
The following document shows that I was complying with IRS during the appeals process. This proves that the lien was erroneous and a "computer error" since you can't get a tax lien placed on your home while under the appeals process (especially one you sold 2 years ago).
Christine O’Donnell, Delaware’s Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, knows how it feels to be maligned by the media. Like other conservative female candidates for political office, including the likes of South Carolina’s Nikki Haley and Alaska’s Sarah Palin, Ms. O’Donnell has been put through the political ringer and endured more than most just for a chance to represent the people of Delaware in Congress.
Christine O’Donnell is running for the Delaware Senate seat vacated by former Senator and now Vice-President, Joe Biden. O’Donnell ran against Biden in 2008 in a grass-roots campaign with a platform that included personal and fiscal responsibility. At the beginning of the race, O’Donnell was largely unknown and Biden was on the national ticket of a campaign that spent well over $200 million directly. In the Senate race, Biden spent $4.9 million and Christine spent $116,000. Her performance in 2008 is particularly impressive, in light of the Obama sweep in the Northeast. In the 2008 race, Christine got approximately the same percentage and total of votes as the McCain-Palin ticket (~35 percent), getting a record number of votes (~141,000) against him in an unprecedented Democratic turnout year.
In addition, Ms. O’Donnell espouses both pro-life and traditional family values. She is a nationally recognized political commentator, having appeared on the Fox News Channel, CNN, C-SPAN, MSNBC, and ABC. Ms. O’Donnell is also a marketing consultant whose clients have included Icon Pictures "The Passion of the Christ" and Natalia Tsarkova, the Vatican’s first female portrait painter.
In a March 2010 story Delaware’s News Journal reported a tax lien was placed on Ms. O’Donnell’s home in 2010—a home she sold in 2008.
For reasons completely unknown and inexplicable to Ms. O’Donnell, an erroneous tax lien was placed on the home she had sold two years previously. The IRS admitted their error and cleared the balance owed, but it remains a blemish on her credit report. Ms. O’Donnell’s credit is essentially ruined for the next seven+ years.
The O’Donnell campaign alleges the political “dirt” for the story came from opposition research done by the Democratic National Committee during her 2008 campaign against Joe Biden.
The liberal leaning News Journal also claimed that O’Donnell actually lost her home in a sheriff’s sale, when in fact she sold her home to a legitimate buyer in 2008, using the money from the sale to support her run for the Delaware Senate.
IRS documents obtained by The Bulletin show that Ms. O’Donnell’s home was sold on June 30, 2008. Bank statements obtained also indicate that as of July of 2008 her mortgage loan was paid in full.
In addition to the mysterious tax lien on a home she no longer owned, Ms. O’Donnell was audited by the IRS, as were some of her family members and a close friend. Although the audits were perfectly legal, it seems odd that Ms. O’Donnell and her family attracted the attention of the IRS only after she became a strong contender for a Senate seat held by a career Democrat.
Paid for by ChristinePAC, Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate's Committee, ChristinePAC.com
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